Monday 7 March 2011

Top of the Pops Double Page Spread Article Analysis

This article I am analysing is from Top of the Pops and is about a famous R&B and pop artist Chipmunk. It is an interview about how hes made it into the music industry and how he is living his life now.
The layout of this article is a double page spread. The first whole page is dedicated to the main images of the singer, Chipmunk, and it is a big close-up of just his face. When turning pages, you usually see the right page first, so they want you to see the writing first and the masthead. By having this picture as a whole page it makes it seem like the article is very important but there is not as much to read, which is better when your aiming at a younger target audience who enjoy pictures.
The masthead is on the right page at the top, making it seen first and grabs the readers attention with its size as it is the biggest type face on the page. It is just plain black making it bold, clear and stand out more, also it is the same font as the masthead on the front cover, linking the magazine the whole way through. The masthead also uses alliteration, 'Champion Chip' making the article more for the younger generation as it is less formal, also it is catchy and makes the reader want to read this article. In addition the O in 'Champion' is a medal. Children aspire to be like the favourite artist and having this picture in the masthead makes it seen straight away and makes the reader think of success and that they could be successful.
Right at the top of the page on the right is a small banner saying 'Exclusive interview', this noun grabs the attention of the reader as they think they will only find out whats in the article in this magazine and nowhere else. Then underneath this banner, above the masthead, is a strap line giving a brief introduction to what this article is about giving the reader the choice of whether they want to read on or not. It is also set out with gutters giving it a more professional look comparing to Chipmunks mature replies.
The colours used in this article contrast with the front cover and contents page as blue, black and gold are the main colours which are not very feminine. This may not attract their particular audience to read this interview, however that could be the reason for the massive picture on the left page because young girls have 'crushes' on famous artists. In addition, young girls like to be up to date with the latest fashion trends and wear designer clothes like celebrities, the main image could attract the reader because in the reflection of the glasses in the pattern from the well-known brand Louis Vitton. The colours on the whole double page spread link closely as the logo of 'Top of the Pops' is in the same blue and the questions in the interview, and the strap line, byline and the ribbon of the medal. Also the gold matches his sunglasses and the stars which are randomly on the page. The colours help to structure this interview well as it shows the reader when the next question starts and where it finishes, also helping the interview flow quickly and well.
The language used in the questions of this interview are fit for the target audience of young girls however the way Chipmunk replies is more formal and mature. The interviewee says things like “well that must be showbiz!”. They have shortened the word show business making it more relevant for the target audience and less confusing. Also give a sense of excitement into Chipmunks life and want to know what his answer is. A way that his replies are suitable for the target audience is how short they are, as the younger generation do not want to read as much but would rather see pictures. However not information is given out in this interview which could be a bit boring for the reader and children can loose interest very quickly.
The picture is giving of a happy effect and Chipmunk looks like he is focusing. We see this as both images are employing an indirect mode of address. The smaller image at the bottom which is also indirect is situated right next to the answer where Chipmunk talks about him completing his A-levels and school, which relates to the target audience as the children reading it will most likely be in school. By the images being indirect, this could help the readers not loose concentration to look at the images when reading the interview.
Overall I think this double page spread article is very conventional as it includes the picture being on the left, a byline, strap line and also the layout of the interview. The structure is shown effectively through the use of colour which helps to keep the article flowing. Moreover, without the bright colours the article looks more professional and expensive.

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