Monday 7 March 2011

Q Article Analysis

This is an article from Q rock magazine about an old American band and why they left the girl group 'Fanny' and where they are now. This relates to their mature target audience as the older audience will recognise this band. The article talks about all four of the members in a lot of detail. They became successful due to the fact they were woman and could do the things men could in a band, like playing the guitar.
Having an older target audience, this interacts with them straight away as Fanny are an extremely old band which only the older generation would remember. This article is only across one page, the top half is an images of the band and the bottom half the article about then. As they are an old band, Q have made the page very old fashioned by using dull colours like black, white and cream. The headline is at the top and it straight away tells you what the article will be about, giving the reader the choice of whether to read this feature or not. Unlike most titles on other articles, this one is not as clear as the others as it blends in with the images slightly. This could be to emphasise the age of the band and make the article more old-fashioned. The heading is in the middle on the left saying 'Fanny'. This typeface is bigger than the masthead and also stands out more due to its bold black colour with a white background. I think the reason for this is because the picture is very old, people may not recognise them from them from the image so this just reassures the reader who the article is about.
There is a small caption in the right hand corner of the image which says, 'Their music could never be describes as a load of arse.” This pun links to their name and adds humour to the article, also making the artists sound really good so people who do not know of them might like to find out more, so it is enticing the all readers.
The language in this article is very mature and formal which helps the target audience interact with the magazine. There is no colloquial language or slang used making it more suitable for the target audience. Also when the article is talking about their decisions they made as to why they left the band, quotations are used making the article seem more trusted and reliable. This could help the reader enjoy the article as they feel they are reading the real words from a band they like. The typefaces throughout the article are different; the strap line is bold and so are the names of the band members. This helps the magazines structure and separating each section about each different band member helping to orientate the reader.
The structure of this magazine article is very clear and well structured. It is set out in a newspaper like style with gutters, giving it a professional edge and making the page look neat and smart. It begins with a strap line giving a brief introduction about their background information and what they were known as when they were famous. Then it follows on talking about each band member but in separate paragraphs. We know this because each band members name is in a bolder and bigger font than the information. Letting the reader know who they will be reading about and also letting the article flow nicely. This will persuade the reader to continue reading and not get bored.
The image, which is located at the top, would be the first thing you see when you look at this page. However this is not what the magazine wants the reader to pay the most attention to, which is why things are put over the images. There are small captions over each band member(not their face) which says their name. This is very effective because if you have not heard of this band, which a lot of their younger audience would not have, you can associate each paragraph with the picture. Helping to give you a better understanding of the article as a whole. The image is employing a direct mode of address, making the reader feel the images was taken by the magazine. This will make the article seem more trusted and the reader might think the information is more reliable. A way this image entices the reader is the bands facial expressions, they are all smiling which employs this article is a positive article and will entice the readers.

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