Monday 7 March 2011

Kerrang! Double Page Spread Analysis

This article, from Kerrang, I am analysing is about a famous rock band called Architects who have been around for 8 years and have now decided to change their typical metal music to more melodic music. Architects are bringing out a new album and this article tells you why they have changed their music choice now and why their album is called “Here and Now”.
The article has been structured very clearly. It is a double page spread with the band on the right hand side. This is because when you turn a magazine page you usually the the right page first, and the bold heading is what the magazine wants you to see first. It has gutters and is set out in a newspaper like layout which makes it look professional and neat. Typefaces are put over images to show what the caption is relating to and which band member. It also separates the information about the album from the information about the band by putting it in a yellow box, contrasting with the black background behind it making it stand out; making sure the reader remembers to read it and not miss it out. The layout of this double page article is very professional and makes it seem of good quality.
Throughout the article, the writer lists things a lot. This helps the article flow at a quick pace like Architect's music, it also gives a mysterious edge and makes the reader want to carry on reading, it feels as if the article is shocking and only available in this magazine and you have to read it straight away. It is also very formal because no colloquial language is used which contrast with its young target audience. However it makes the article seem more serious, as it is talking about people criticising their music change and they feel they need to let everyone no that what they are doing is not wrong.
The main image on the left hand side is employing a combination of indirect and direct mode of address because they are trying to show how relaxed they are and pleased they are with their decision of changing their music. By doing this it draws the attention of the reader into the article however it does not make you loose concentration while you are reading the article as they are not all looking at the camera, you will not focus on them as much. The facial expressions they are making relate to the artist on the front cover as they are pulling funny faces. This makes the article seem positive and happy. It also meets their target audience as younger people are always having fun and also males are more childish than females.
The strong house style throughout the whole magazine is carried on in this article by its use of yellow, white and black. However the colour red is not used anymore. Red connotes danger, which relates more to the rock genre. As Architects are changing there music genre then this colour does not relate to them as much however it does compare to their fashion which is very rock like and we can this in the images. The heading is extremely big grabbing the readers attention straight away and the colour yellow also helps to do this.
A very conventional thing about this article is that before the article starts it has a strap line which is just giving a brief introduction into what the article is about. By using this it entices the reader and makes them want to read more, it also lets them know and understand what they are reading and not get lost in the article.

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